Activity begins in the beach kiosks of Formentera

About to enter phase 3 of the de-escalation of the confinement imposed by the health crisis by Covid-19, Formentera is gradually recovering normality.
Among the establishments that are beginning to open are the island's beach kiosks, nine in total, distributed by different enclaves of the insular coastal area and which constitute a tourist attraction in Formentera.
The first to offer service yesterday, kiosk 62 in the Migjorn area, received local customers during the day who took advantage of the good spring weather to stroll along the beach.
"During the day we worked calmly and at sunset he became more animated. People are going out more to enjoy the beach and in our case we have applied the regulations as stipulated with 50 percent of the capacity, "said Paco Herraiz, FormenteraAvui.
Herraiz referred to the cleaning of chairs and tables before and after use by customers, the availability of hydroalcoholic gel for hand cleaning and the service with individual "single-dose" materials such as compostable corn starch covers.
In addition, workers wear gloves, mask and protective screens and the tables allowed are separated as established by regulation to guarantee 50 percent of the allowed capacity.
For his part, the owner of the Bartolo kiosk, also located in the Migjorn area, pointed out that the nine beach establishments will begin to open in stages during this week with the corresponding safety and hygiene measures and waiting for the sector to Encourage the passing of the phases of the period of lack of confidence.
Regarding how the season is presented, both agree that until the island receives no visitors, no assessment can be made and that these weeks will serve as training and practice of the established regulation to offer a quality service and with all the guarantees.